Community Resilience Fora series ends … for now

July saw the last of three-event series of Transition Town Totnes’ Community Resilience fora. These free-to-attend events focused on discussion and debate around community resilience research and practice—how to make our communities stronger, more sustainable and fairer. The July event majored on the “fairer”—on how to achieve a just transition.

The two previous events addressed:

Land Use: who owns Totnes? Explored land rights in our Town.

Nature Recovery examined biodiversity collapse and nature recovery (through regenerative practices, rewilding, etc.)

Here is a link to the series’ Summary Report. It was produced with the support of KEVICC students Leon and Zac. We are very grateful for their excellent work and efforts.

Click the image to read the full report

Organiser and local activist, Dr Viktoria Erlacher-Downing recently completed a PhD in social justice, mental health and climate change. Having previously worked with Transition Town Totnes on a local food map, Viktoria brought her experience of hosting resilience forums to the town.

TTT is grateful to Transition Together, which supports the UK network of Transition Towns, for making these forums possible through their seed funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.

Subject to funding, we aim host additional community resilience events in 2025.

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